Monday, 21 July 2014

Film soup

Happy Monday everyone! Hope you've all been enjoying the sun/torrential rain. I had a super lazy weekend spent mainly in my pjs, sometimes it's lovely just to do nothing at all.  

I must admit I've not been very good lately in getting my films developed hence the lack of posts. I must have a least three different cameras with unfinished film in. I blame the nice weather, it's making me want to stay away from laptop and enjoy the rays whilst they last.

I did manage to get one film developed though that made me very very happy. The images below are the result of my first ever film soup experiment and I couldn't be more thrilled with them.

Film soup is pretty much dunking your film in a "soup" of chemicals in order create a reaction that produces awesome effects. You can make the soup from whatever the hell you want!

For my first soup I decided to use boiling water, detergent and lemon juice. Having looked up tutorials online alot of them suggested boiling the film before shooting with it, however I'd recently shot a bunch of flowers around campus that I thought would look great with some added effects. So I went ahead a boiled it after I'd finished the whole roll.

I boiled a pan of water, added a cup of detergent (Daz to be specific), added juice from a fresh lemon the threw in chunks of the leftover lemon to. I then left the film in the soup for over an hour.

I then removed the film and rinsed it under a cold running tap for a few minutes. I then left it to dry in my kitchen window for about a week before putting it in a bowl of rice for about 5 weeks. To be honest I kind of forgot about it but at least it was totally dry when it took it for development.

I'm really pleased with the results, I think you can tell some images have reacted alot more than others. None of them have come out to crazy but I think the results are good for a first try.

Next time I think I'll leave the film the stew for alot longer in the soup to see what a difference this makes.

Have you ever tried this, do you have any advice for my next try? I'd love the hear any tips and tricks :)

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