Wednesday, 27 August 2014

My Holga 135BC

Hello I'm back from my weekend in Leeds all nice and flued up. I han amazing time though, I went to Leeds festival on Friday and it was awesome! I'll do a post on it soon once I've got my fish eye film developed.

Today I thought I'd talk about another one of my cameras. My Holga 135BC was purchased from Ebay a few years ago for about £40 I think. It's a totally plastic camera including a plastic lens, it's a really fun little Lomo camera. This particular model takes 35mm film.

The camera includes;

  • Two shutter settings- Normal and Bulb, the Bulb setting allows for long exposures.
  • Two aperture settings- cloudy and sunny.
  • Four focus settings ranging between 3 feet and 30. (The trick is actually remembering to change it! oopsy)
  • A hot shoe flash- I had to buy the flash separately and it can be attached and removed at any time. My flash came with some funky colour filters.

  • It a good looking camera and comes in a variety of colours. It's also super light, barely weighs a thing.
  • Can be used in most environments due to the variety of settings (however flash may be required), one thing I've not really tried with this camera is night time photography. I really should give it a go!

  • You can create multiple exposures.
  • The plastic lense creates a black corner effect and gives the images a dreamy quality.

  • Very easy to use
  • Takes 35mm film which is readily available
  • Unpredictable- Like any Lomo camera you never no what magic might come out

  • Unpredictable- Although I've also listed this as a positive it does limit my use of this camera, for instance I wouldn't use it on a special occasion as my main camera.
  • Field of view- No matter how hard I try to compose my shots with this camera the final image is always a little off

Overall I think you can see that the pros outweigh the cons. It's a really good Lomo camera that has so many possibilities I actually feel abit bad I don't use it more often.

Thursday, 21 August 2014


Good morning! I'm in a good mood as it's my last day at work today before a long weekend off. Yayyyy :D 

I'll be heading straight to Leeds as soon as I finish this afternoon as I'm going to Leeds festival for the day tomorrow. I can't wait!!
I've only ever done the full festival weekend experience, camping and all that. I've never actually been just for the day, I'm excited that I get to go back to a warm bed rather than a soggy tent for once. (gosh I sound old!)

We'll be staying in Leeds city centre until Sunday, I've never visited so please let me know if you know of any places worth going. We all love food and beer!

I thought I'd share a few snapshots from various times over the last month or so that I haven't got round to posting until now :)

Wednesday, 13 August 2014

Picture of you

Hope everyone's good! I've been nursing a poorly boyfriend over the last few days so haven't been up to anything to exciting of late. I did however finally make it to Asda over the weekend to get some films developed. It's been a while!

I had no idea what was on either film, I've got so many cameras with unfinished film in dotted around at the moment I really don't know what's on any of them anymore. So it's always a nice surprise when I get the photos back. 

At the beginning of July I went the see Boyzone! Yess so cool I know! When I was 12/13 they were my favourite band. Myself, my sister Lucy and cousin Stacey were obsessed with them and we'd go to see them in concert all the time. So when Stacey's boyfriend bought her 4 tickets to see them for her birthday this year she invited us along. 

The concert was held at Delamere Forest which is an outdoor venue. I'd never been before and I was so impressed. It's such an awesome place to see a show, we lucked out with the weather and it was a lovely warm evening. 

We took a little picnic and a good old box of wine and relived our youth with some old School Boyzone tunes. It was a really fun night and I'd love to go see more acts there, I forgot I'd even taken my camera until I picked up the developed film.

In case you were wondering why the photos look so scratched and dirty it's because the film got jammed in the machine during development. I wasn't very happy but Asda sweetened me up with a £20 gift card and I actually kinda like the look of the pictures to be honest. Did make me realize I should start taking my film to a proper development lab though.

Below are just a few pics from a spontaneous night out a weeks few back that were also on this film.

Wednesday, 6 August 2014

Party like it's your Birthday

I mentioned in my previous post Happy Birthday to meee that my boss had given me an Urban outfitters "Happy Fucking Birthday" disposable camera as a gift. She obviously knows be well!

It really was an awesome gift, I couldn't wait to get the camera developed. Here are a few of my faves!