Tuesday, 21 October 2014

Our LA engagement

Hellooo. Hope everyone's good! I've been so caught up in wedding planning since we've been back from our holiday that I've definitely been neglecting the old blog. Just incase you're wondering we are getting married next September and have our venue, caterer, registrar and photographer all booked! eeeep. No messing about it!

Since we've been back I'm slowly getting my films developed so thought it was about time I shared some. At the beginning of September we kicked our holiday off in LA. We were only there for three full days but we packed quite alot in. We chose to stay in this Apartment, booked through AirBnB. It was just a few blocks from the beach in Santa Monica and was a perfect base for just the two of us. There was even a resident cat that took a shine to Dan.

After a long flight we arrived late afternoon on the Friday and spent the rest of the day like two zombies trying to stay awake. We did manage to drag ourselves to the Abbott Kinney food truck festival, which happens the first Friday of every month. After much deliberation we decided on the Grilled cheese truck and had the cheesy mac and rib which was made up of macaroni cheese, pulled pork and caramelized onions. It was amazinggg!! After that though we were fit for nothing so headed back to our apartment for an early night.

Feeling much more refreshed Saturday morning we started the day with a mega breakfast of omelette and hash browns. Then making use of the bikes that came along with the apartment we went for ride along venice beach and up to Santa Monica Pier. Followed by an afternoon lying on the beach and stuffing our faces with in n out burger in the evening.

Sunday was the ultimate tourist day. We started off at Lake Hollywood Park which had really close up views of the Hollywood Sign. Just driving there was a treat, we had to go through the Hollywood Hills which meant lots of mega mansions I could only ever dream of living in.

After some photo ops there we tried to find our way to Mulholland Drive, we got abit lost and actually ended up at Universal Studios. So we though what the hell and spent a few hours in the park.

Eventually we did find out way to Mulholland Drive and stopped off at an amazing look out point. Then we headed to Beverly Hills for a drive around the fancy streets and a quick stop at the famous sign.

On out last day in LA we were up super early, so grabbed a tea from Starbucks and made our way to Venice Beach. It was so quiet and peaceful, just us and a few surfers.

That night as we were watching the sunset over Santa Monica I snapped the image below, when I turned around Dan was holding a box with the most beautiful ring I've ever seen. Of course I said yes! This photo will always take me back to that second of total surprise and happiness.

The rest of the night was spent with these super duper happy faces! :D

The following morning we headed to my new favourite place, Palm Springs. More on that next time :)

Images taken on various cameras including my Instax 210, Chinon, Kodak


  1. This sounds like my exact idea of a holiday, seeing all the sights and having fun! And also, how romantic proposing whilst the sun was setting on the beach? Uh! Love it, fab photos x

    1. I know! I never new he was such a romantic haha xx

  2. Really nice set - would love to know what films you're using..
