Tuesday, 17 June 2014

Weekend walks..Mow cop

Living on such a pretty campus there's alot of places to wander and photograph, but it's left me feeling in a bit of a rut lately. So last Sunday I made the massive effort (yes it really is hard!) to leave campus and head up to mow cop for some fresh scenery.

If your not from Stoke you might not of heard of Mow Cop castle. It's basically a fake castle on a big hill. Sound's like a hoot right?

Well it's my kind of Sunday fun! Along with the "castle" it also has some stunning views. However it was pretty windy up there, safe to say my dress wasn't really appropriate and I'm pretty sure other people up there were just after a leisurely Sunday walk not a flash of my arse!

I shot these images on my Chinon and also took my Diana + out for a play to with a home made splitzer. So I'm very interested to see how they come out. I'm thinking blur blur blur. We shall seeee!

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